Indiana’s Trusted Personal Injury Advocates Since 1963.
Indiana’s Trusted Personal Injury Advocates Since 1963.
We stepped in to hold an insurance company accountable in a car accident
causing a premature birth
Insurance Offered $0
$50,000 eventually awarded to Nina
Before Yosha Law stepped in, Ashley Brown’s Insurance company was not willing to recognize Nina Brown as a person. Brandon was able to prove Nina was a person at the time of the crash and obtained the $50,000 limit for Nina.
On her way to pick up a cake. She was waiting patiently at a red light for her turn to cross an intersection. When her light turned green, she pushed the gas pedal. At the same time, a car coming in the perpendicular direction did not stop at his red light, and t-boned her on her driver’s side.
After this violent crash, once she regained her consciousness, Ashley’s next immediate concern was her baby she’d been carrying for 34 weeks. A baby girl that was due to arrive three weeks later. Ashley had radiating pain in her neck from the whiplash, and while she sat in her car waiting for help to arrive, she felt dampness in her seat. This dampness wasn’t sweat or blood, but
it was her water breaking.
As she was rushed to the hospital, Ashley noticed that the baby was not moving as much as she regularly did. The car accident definitely did something, but she didn’t know the extent yet. In the emergency room, they couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat, so the doctor’s immediately scheduled an emergency c-section.
Minutes later, her and her husband both heard their baby’s cry. Thankfully, newly born Baby Nina was ok, but there was still a long road ahead for both mother and baby. Ashley not only had to recover from the birth, but also the injuries sustained in the accident. And Baby Nina needed extra care due to having been born prematurely.
Ashley’s insurance company didn’t consider her newborn daughter, Nina, an actual person when it came to filing the claim. So while they offered Ashley an initial settlement for her medical bills, car damage, and trauma, the insurance company initially refused to pay for baby Nina’s damages from this crash, as she technically was not a “person” under Ashley’s uninsured motorist policy.
That’s when Ashley contacted the Yosha Law firm, and Brandon stepped up to work on her case.
Brandon immediately began researching the legal issues and carefully reviewed the terms of Ashley’s insurance policy. After several rounds of negotiations with her insurance company and working with actual decision makers, the insurance company capitulated and recognized baby Nina as a person under Ashley’s policy.
For the every day person, it’s hard to fathom how Ashley’s own insurance company would initially refuse to pay the additional $50,000 under her insurance policy for her daughter, but sadly, this sort of behavior occurs every day in the insurance industry.
The profits and bottom line always supersede basic human morals. In either event, the Yosha Law team was able to obtain the full policy limit for baby Nina and the Brown’s have fortunately received the fullest form of justice available to them.
“I actually have Brandon’s cell phone number, I don’t know what his office number is. That let’s you know how personal the connection was”
– Ashley Brown
We pride ourselves in meaningful connections with our clients in order to understand how their lives have changed due to an accident. This way, we have the tools to fight for just compensation that adequately reflects our clients’ losses and what they will need to start moving forward
with their lives.
Right now, you might feel like life will never go back to normal. Despite your mounting medical bills and significant physical and emotional pain, faceless insurance companies will try to devalue your quality of a life – whether it’s yours or a loved one’s. But, you don’t need to fight this battle alone.
While no amount of money can erase the past, you deserve full and just compensation as entitled by Indiana law. Our team of experienced legal professionals is dedicated to advocating for your brighter future and ensuring your voice is heard.
Let us know what’s happened to you and receive a free case evaluation as your first step towards justice.
*Available 24/7 & Obligation-Free
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VIEW RESULTS“I would highly recommend hiring Brandon Yosha as your attorney. After my accident he worked incredibly diligently to help me with my case. Brandon was there to talk me through the details whenever I needed. He obtained a settlement quickly, I’m happy with the outcome of my case. Brandon and the Yosha team did a fantastic job.”