Indiana’s Trusted Personal Injury Advocates Since 1963.

Intersection Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis

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Heavy traffic travels through the intersections of Indianapolis, Indiana every day, and mostly flows without incident. However, when you’re hit while driving through an intersection, it can feel extremely scary and your life could change in an instant.

You might never anticipate a car accident, and they’re often beyond your control. You might be left with significant personal injuries and a mountain of bills, and if another party is at fault, you may wonder where you can turn for justice.

At Yosha Law, an intersection accident lawyer in Indianapolis can explore the merits of your case, gather evidence to prove liability, battle insurance companies determined to quickly settle your claim with a paltry compensation offer, and walk beside you on the road to recovery.

 Contact Yosha Law for a free case evaluation today.

Intersection Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis

What you need to know about U.S. intersection accidents 

Intersections are necessary to control the flow of traffic and to keep drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists safe. However, they can also become hotspots for accidents. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 50% of the accident injuries and 25% of all traffic fatalities reported annually occur at intersections.

Other important statistics to know about intersection accidents include:

  • Intersections without light regulation (stop sign or yield sign controlled intersections) are the most common location of intersection accidents.
  • In 2022, there were 12, 036 accident fatalities at intersections without light regulation. 
  • 36% of all traffic accidents occur at intersections.
  •  Roundabouts have been proven to reduce the amount of intersection accidents.
  • The Federal Highway Administration continues to research methods to improve the safety of intersections.

Statistics on Indiana intersection accidents

Similarly to national statistics, statistics on Indiana intersection accidents reflect the ongoing safety issues of urban and highway intersections:

  • Intersections are the most common locations for traffic accidents.
  • 2024 has reflected that state-implemented traffic safety measures have reduced the number of intersection accidents. 
  • Reduced Conflict Intersections (RCIs) are being implemented around the state to reduce severe right-angle crashes at highway intersections.
  • Traditional intersections have 42 conflict points that can cause significant collisions.
  • Research shows that RCIs have reduced the number of injury-causing and fatal crashes by 78%.

Common causes of an intersection accident

In the aftermath of your collision, an intersection accident lawyer in Indianapolis can advise you on the validity of your legal claim to compensation and if the cause of your accident indicates the liability of another driver.

Some of the most common causes of intersection accidents include:

  • 96% are directly caused by driver error
  • Distracted driving
  • Driver who runs a red light
  • Failure to stop at a 4-way stop
  • Impaired driving
  • Inclement weather conditions
  • Left-turn failure to yield
  • Prohibited turns
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating

Indianapolis intersection accident

Who’s liable for an Indianapolis intersection accident?

Liability after a car accident isn’t always clear cut. Nevertheless, in order to pursue a successful insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, you’ll need to prove liability in your intersection accident. 

While finding this proof may prove difficult to determine on your own, an intersection accident attorney has access to resources such as eyewitness and forensic expert testimony and investigatory tools that can help.

The following drivers might be liable in an intersection accident:

  • A driver who makes an illegal left-turn
  • A cyclist who makes illegal lane shifts and fails to obey traffic signals
  • A driver following too closely
  • A driver who runs a red light
  • A distracted driver
  • A reckless driver  
  • A speeding driver
  • A driver who fails to obey traffic signals
  • An intoxicated or otherwise impaired driver  

Indiana laws that could impact your claim

If you choose to file a legal claim after your Indianapolis intersection accident, it’s important to understand and adhere to the following laws. A car accident lawyer with Yosha Law can help you to ensure you file your claim on time and to determine whether or not you share fault in your case.

Statute of Limitations

Indiana’s statute of limitations law, § 34-11-2-4, mandates that you file any legal claim within two years from the exact date of your accident. This law is in place to protect both plaintiffs and defendants. The statute provides ample time for you to decide to proceed with a claim, and protects defendants from claims filed decades after a collision.

If you fail to file a claim before this deadline, you might not have further legal recourse for compensation. Extension exceptions can be made for anyone who was under the age of 18 or was mentally incapacitated at the time of an accident. 

Modified Comparative Fault 

Indiana is one of a dozen states with modified comparative fault laws in place. These laws may impact the status of your intersection accident case — an attorney can advise you on how to proceed if they affect your claim.

Per Indiana Code § 34-51-2-5:

  • If you’re more than 50% at fault for your collision, you will not receive compensation and your case cannot progress further.
  • If you are determined to hold 0%-50% liability for your accident, the amount of the compensation you’re entitled to may decrease.
  • If you hold less than 0% of fault for your collision, you can seek full compensatory damages.

The specific damages and amounts you can recover will depend on the details of your case. An Indianapolis car accident attorney from Yosha Law can help you identify and pursue all applicable damages to maximize your compensation.

Steps to take after an intersection accident

In the aftermath of your accident, it’s understandable that you might feel shock and want to take time to process through the trauma you’ve endured. Nevertheless, it’s important that you take steps to ensure your safety and to protect your road to justice.

Yosha Law suggests that you take the following steps after your intersection accident.

Safely pull over and call 911

If your vehicle is still operational and your injuries won’t prevent you from doing so, pull over to the right shoulder of the road. Although the most important thing is to protect yourself from oncoming traffic, if you can avoid pulling over to the left shoulder, remaining in the middle of the intersection, or blocking a lane, it’s important to avoid these areas.

Call 911 and wait for first responders to arrive.

Exchange insurance information

Exchange contact and insurance information with any other involved parties. Although your instinct may be to calm other drivers, avoid apologizing or admitting any fault as these statements can be used against you in your future legal claim.

If emotions are running high and you are hesitant to approach the other individuals involved in your accident, wait for law enforcement to arrive before you exchange this information.

File a police report

If your accident involves injuries and significant property damage, you’re required to file a police report. This report is vital evidence for an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. 

The officers who respond to your accident will fill out this report and include the time, date, and scene of your accident, contact information, an initial investigatory assessment of how the accident occurred, and any eyewitness statements. You can also file and obtain copies of the report online

Document your accident

If you’re safely able to document the scene of your accident, take photos and videos that an Indianapolis intersection accident lawyer can use as evidence. Keep any bloody clothing and all receipts of expenses you incur as a result of your accident for future evidence.

Seek medical attention

Documentation of official diagnosis, prescriptions, and treatment are imperative to your personal injury claim. You may also have injuries that appear minor but are severe. For example, you might have internal bleeding that can put you in immediate risk of significant consequences.

For your safety and for your legal claim, it’s crucial that you seek immediate medical attention.

Avoid sharing details on social media

As you deal with the stress, pain, and suffering of an intersection accident, you might feel tempted to use social media platforms to vent and gain sympathy. It’s important to remember that even if you delete your posts, your Internet activity lasts forever. 

Insurance companies and defense counsel can use your social media posts against you, and can attempt to poke holes in your case. Refrain from posting about your collision.

Consult a car accident lawyer

Yosha Law has over six decades of experience in successful car accident and personal injury cases, and an intersection accident lawyer in Indianapolis understands how to handle insurance giants who are reluctant to pay you a just settlement.

Your initial consultation with our firm is obligation-free and can help you to discern how to proceed, and what to expect, with your claim. We can advise you before you even begin the insurance claims process and help you to navigate the complex legal process.

We’ll also staunchly represent you in all negotiations and if a settlement cannot be agreed upon, we’ll fight on your behalf in all court proceedings.

File an insurance claim

When you contact your own insurance provider, they’ll begin the claims process for you and will contact the liable party’s insurer. Once you’re assigned a claims agent and a case number, you can use these for reference and to access information on the progress of your claim.

National insurance giants have extremely seasoned and experienced lawyers who will work to settle your claim as quickly as possible, may lowball their settlement offer, and could even outright deny your claim. It may be tempting to accept a lump sum payment for immediate relief, however, once you do so, you cannot pursue future compensation.

An Indianapolis intersection accident lawyer can help you to understand what should be included in your claim and when a settlement offer is acceptable.

What to expect during an intersection accident claim

What you can expect during an intersection accident claim

An intersection lawyer in Indianapolis will be able to explain any specific circumstances that pertain to your case. However, there are basic steps that a legal claim after an intersection accident will follow. 

Here’s what you can expect in a personal injury claim:

  • Defendants have 30 days to respond to a filed claim or file any counterclaims.
  • Your intersection accident lawyer will research any patterns in the driving history of the at fault driver, research the insurance company, and gather all pertinent evidence to strengthen your case.
  • Your attorney may interview witnesses and forensic experts (including crash reconstructionists) who can testify for you.
  • When you partner with Yosha Law, we’ll represent you and act as your advocate through legal meetings and negotiations. 
  • Your case will only go to trial if you fail to reach a settlement agreement.
  • If your case goes to trial, a Yosha Law intersection accident lawyer in Indianapolis will fight for your just compensation. 
  • A judge or jury will determine the verdict in your case, set the monetary compensation (if any) you are to receive, and determine any additional punitive damages.

The specific damages and amounts you can recover will depend on the details of your case. An Indianapolis car accident attorney from Yosha Law can help you identify and pursue all applicable damages to maximize your compensation.

How Yosha Law can help

When you choose Yosha Law, you don’t just become another case number. We care about your personal story and the unique trauma you’ve experienced. We offer an initial  obligation-free consultation where we’ll honestly share the merits of your case.

If you choose to proceed with your case, an Indianapolis intersection accident lawyer will conduct necessary research, gather critical evidence, ensure you have the strongest case possible moving forward, obtain vital testimony, and fiercely battle against insurance giants on your behalf.

For decades, we’ve successfully stood up to giant insurance companies like Farmers, Geico, Progressive, State Farm, and many more. The road to justice can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to walk this path alone.

A Yosha Law intersection accident lawyer will walk beside you, help you to navigate the legal process, and support you on your road to recovery.   

Compensatory Damages You Might Recover in an Indianapolis Intersection Accident

Compensatory Damages You Might Recover in an Indianapolis Intersection Accident 

Compensatory damages are legal recognition of the losses you’ve suffered as a result of your collision. Damages categories allow you to claim both the set monetary losses and personal, immeasurable losses that you’ve incurred. 

When your case is over, you’re still a part of the Yosha Law family — we remain in consistent communication with you throughout your case and may check in after a successful verdict, just to see how you’re doing. 

We receive most of our business through referrals from happy clients and have a 98% success rate in beating an insurer’s final offer. We’ve helped accident victims receive hundreds of millions of dollars that allow them to focus on their recovery.

We can’t guarantee a successful outcome, but Yosha Law has won significant verdicts for many clients. We’ve even worked tirelessly to change Indiana law to help protect our roads and save lives. We passionately fight for the underdog and give people a legal voice in the battle against large insurance companies.

An Indianapolis intersection accident attorney from our firm will help you to discern what damages you should include in your claim and the amount of compensation you should seek. Here are the types of damages recognized by the courts and examples of each. 

Economic Damages 

Economic damages (also referred to as special damages) allow you to recover the documented expenses you’ve incurred (and may incur in the future) as a result of your intersection accident. These damages have a measurable monetary value.

Examples of economic damages include:

  • Assisted Living Costs
  • Home Healthcare
  • Lost Wages (including tips and bonuses)
  • Medical Expenses (any accident-related appointments, prescriptions, and treatment)
  • Property Repair and Replacement Costs (vehicle repairs or replacement costs)
  • Transportation Costs (rental cars, public transportation, and rideshare services)

Non-Economic Damages  

Non-economic damages (also referred to as general damages) help to cover the immeasurable losses you’ve suffered. Nothing can replace these losses, but non-economic damages acknowledge the significance of your pain and suffering and can help to relieve your financial burdens.   

Examples of non-economic damages include: 

Punitive Damages   

Punitive damages are often meted out by a judge or jury as punishment to a grossly negligent defendant, and can be added as additional compensation to an initial compensatory award. In rare instances, an intersection accident lawyer might advise you to include punitive damages in your claim. 

For example, if a speeding drunk driver plows into your car while you’re stopped at a red light, this gross negligence could demand punitive damages.

In cases where punitive damages are awarded, the plaintiff is awarded 25% and the remaining 75% is automatically transferred to the Indiana Violent Crimes Victim Compensation Fund.

Intersection Accident FAQ

How much will an intersection accident lawyer cost me?

Yosha Law intersection accident lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means you face no upfront costs. We only get paid if you get paid. We understand the trauma you’re experiencing as a result of your accident, and we don’t want to add to your financial stress.

Why are intersections a common location of car accidents?

Multiple flows of traffic converge at intersections, and drivers are often required to make split-second decisions. Driver error accounts for the majority of these accidents.

Connect with Yosha Law for your free consultation today, and let us fight for your justice.

Get a Free Consultation With an Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyer from Yosha Law

To get your free consultation with an Indianapolis car accident lawyer, reach out to us online or call 317-334-9200. We are available 24/7 to take your call, and we are ready to help you move forward after a wreck.

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9102 N Meridian St #535, Indianapolis, IN 46260



Legally Reviewed By

Brandon Yosha

Trial Lawyer

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    Right now, you might feel like life will never go back to normal. Despite your mounting medical bills and significant physical and emotional pain, faceless insurance companies will try to devalue your quality of a life – whether it’s yours or a loved one’s. But, you don’t need to fight this battle alone.

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